What A Year Can Change


2013-08-14 21.41.14


Hello! I am Lucy, a girl just trying to fall in love with life and myself.

That might sound a bit strange, but bear with me…

I was madly in love with an English guy, and it was time for our semi-annual visit (love does crazy things). Anyway, on June 13th, 2013, (almost a year ago, exactly) I was about to take off for a summer I would never forget. I was flying away from the lonely desert, otherwise known as my new home in Dallas, Texas, and I was landing in London, a place I could only dream to call home, with my very own dream come true, Simon.

Simon was my life for a year and a half prior to this trip, and during that trip he became even more than that. Over the next two months we were inseparable as we learned everything there was to know about each other. We had a few ups and downs in that time, but it seemed that every ‘down’ just made me love him more, and every ‘up’ made me realize that there was no one in the world I wanted to share life with but him. I left that summer knowing that I was going to marry that boy, just as soon as we weren’t so far apart….

Turns out, that “just as soon as,” was the end of a two year fairytale. From the other side of the world, our ups and downs just became downs, and we both lost sight of what we were fighting for. December 4, 2013, it all cracked and  Simon broke my heart in ways I never knew it could. It almost hurt more because I knew he was doing it for all the right reasons. Our relationship had become more bad than good. He was changing and growing, I just wanted things to stay as they were, and we were no longer the fairytale I had always dreamed we’d be.

The day he broke up with me just so happen to be the week before I was meant to fly back to London for another semi-annual trip. I was heartbroken, but I decided to go anyway. He kicked and screamed, and was willing to pay for my flight just to keep me home… but I know him, I know me, and I knew staying home was a terrible idea.

Long story short, we spent that Christmas remembering just what it was that kept us going for the last two years. We connected, we agreed on most major life decisions, we could have conversations for hours on end, he completed me, and I completed him. That goodbye was the most bittersweet moment I have ever experienced. We parted ways knowing that if I was ever in London, or he was ever in the US, we would live happily ever after, no questions asked. Honestly, he’d probably propose at the airport! It’s that serious people!

All that backpedaling to say: Life has been pretty miserable. Having the one person you know can make you happy forever on the other side of the planet does that to a girl. We still talk, still exchange words of affection, and if you asked me, I love him more today than I did last year.

June 12, 2014, a year after the start of it all, I am still loving my boy, but I am determined to love life again too. I may not be spending the summer with my love, (no matter how much I wish I was) but I do have the summer to better myself in every way.

This blog is not going to be some never ending sob fest (like the last six months of my life have been), it will the story of a girl who falls in love with life, and herself! I am determined to rebuild who I am and how I feel about myself through health, fitness, beauty, fashion, academics (I’m a college student) and even traveling when the time is right. I still love Simon, this isn’t a break up blog, or a sad story…this is me, becoming the best version of myself, for myself.

I hope you’ll join along…it might be a bumpy road.

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2 thoughts on “What A Year Can Change

  1. So, now I know (dara) hasn’t seen this yet, where and what and why you were jetting and floating all over the world. You’ve always been a wonderful person and now you will be just as determined to make yourself even better. Haven’t read any of the links, only your lovely post. At least you don’t have to wait til we meet in heaven like I do to actually talk or see my one and only Tom. You are young there may be another, or another way in years to come. Love you Lady Lucy. Debbie D.

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