Bit Off More

I’m not sure if it’s the coffee or anxiety that is causing these heart palpitations, but I think I need a break from this ride. 13 credit hours, a major research based service project, a honors contract research program in biology, scholarship applications, a family, a significant other, a modeling career, other jobs to worry about, and the need for perfection (or pretty damn close) is all proving to be way too much right now.

I feel like I’m drowning, and I can’t help but think I’m doing this all wrong because there is no way it is this difficult for everyone. I will get it done…rationally I know that…but today all I can feel is mild grade panic.

Much love, 

Lucy Loves Life…yes, even on days like this xx 

The Greatest Time of Year

There’s nothing like the end of the summer to remind me that in a week I am officially a

  • Student
  • Friend
  • Partner
  • Vice President of Scholarship
  • Aspiring candiate for Regional Vice President
  • Ivy League Applicant
  • If-all-goes-well Columbia transfer
  • Aspiring model
  • Dedicated Paleo-er, and worker-outer (because, refer to the previous bullet point)
  • Employee
  • Slightly insane individual

That all sounds way more exciting and impressive than it actually is (or feels), but it still scares me. It doesn’t really make sense because I am many of those things now; but there is something about the beginning of the school year that reminds me of the potential to fail. It seems the harder I work, the more I have to work hard, and Monday is going to take me to the next level, as my responsibilities and goals are  bigger than they’ve ever been (totally natural, still scary).

The days are passing, and I can’t decide if I am terrified or excited…

But for now, my excitement is larger than the feeling that I am about to sh*t myself…so I think we’re good.

Much love, 

Lucy Loves Life… and mini freakouts xx

Another One of Those ‘I’m So Busy’ Updates 

Dear friends and family, 

No, I have not fallen of the planet. No, I don’t hate you and purposely not answer my phone or come home super late to avoid you (sorry family). Yes, I am extremely busy and the only time I even look at my phone is to see how late I am, read emails, or check in with my fit bit. 

However, I am not complaining at all. I am as busy as I am because I am Spartan kicking my way through all of my goals, and I really couldn’t ask for more… Well, maybe a nap would be nice… 

Anyway, what’s going on you may ask? Well, I thought now would be a good time to update you all seeing as I haven’t done this since July. 



School and volunteering: 

The most exciting and most time consuming part of my life! I am still maintaining my 4.0, but this semester I made the decision to only take 12 credit hours for the sake of diving into some of my interest head first. This semester I am proud to say that I have;

  • Volunteered to organize and be the primary source for social media postings for an incredible non-profit, Care Highway International. 
  • Become very involved in my honors society, working my way to president of leadership 
  • Completed training to intern as a Survivor Advoacy Team member for survivors of sexual abuse 
  • Put together yet another research project (won’t be presented until next month) 

Health and wellness: 

This has been a pretty constant struggle since I was, hmmmm….5? Yep, 5. But for the first time, I feel good. 

I have always been a crash dieter; but after hiring an online trainer and finding a pretty handsome workout partner/ supporter… I feel healthier than I ever have and every sign of progress is a reminder that the healthy way is much more rewarding both physically and mentally; it also taste better, win. 

Starting next week, my hunky supporter, sister, and dad are embarking on our newest “health kick” (that’s what we’ve titled it), and I’m really excited to see what that brings. Could be a six pack, could be cardiac arrest; either way, I’m pumped! 


As you guys know, this particular aspect has been FUBAR (google it). Luckily, I can say I’m beyond that constant state of FUBAR. I have a pretty great guy in my life at the moment, “the one who was always there.” Though I still deal with weak moments and uncertainty, the healing has stayed, and I realize now that the hurt was the best thing that ever happened to me. 

I acknowledged what he is, how bad it was for me, and at a young age I have the knowledge to avoid another potentially life ruining relationship (for those of you I have elaborated on this with, we both know that’s not dramatized at all… It may actually be an understatement).

 I learned what to expect and what to avoid, I learned that I need to trust my head because my heart loves the ones that are wrong for me, and I’ve learned to appreciate the wonderful (and very patient) man who has stuck with me through both of those realizations…. That required a lot of Starbucks and patience, I’m sure. 

In English: 

Between a new relationship, school, 2 jobs, an internship, volunteer work, dieting, exercising, running multiple internet forums with no internet in my house (oh yeah, we are moving!), and trying to stay a calm, cool, and collected human…. I am always moving, always busy, and always happy + sufficiently caffeinated. 

The keyword there is happy

So if i haven’t called you in weeks, forgot that coffee date, or neglected to wish you a happy birthday… Please know that I love you and my crazy little life but sometimes it’s hard to do both. 

Boring post over now! 

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, suggestions, or the desire to say ‘hi,’ please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email…. They real do make my day, especially the witty, sarcastic ones. 

Much love, 

Lucy Loves Life… And my beautiful chaos

50 Things I Learned in 2014

Life changes so quickly, I guess it takes the beginning every year to cause a reflection on how. Last year I was freshly broken up with, completely unsure of my potential and future, and uncomfortable with who I was in every sense of the word. This year, I am so proud of myself. I have grown spiritually, emotionally, and shrunk physically in ways I never knew possible. I feel so secure in myself and of my future. Without too much detail into how I have succeeded and failed in the past year, the inevitable is that I learned from it all.

50 things I learned in 2014:

  1. Happiness is a legitimate goal
  2. Time heals, but not in your time frame
  3. I am capable of anything
  4. I am quite intelligent
  5. I am now in my defining decade, possibilities are endless
  6. Love is not enough
  7. Going back to an ex usually ends badly, especially if it’s “private”
  8. If they cant handle you at your worst, they don’t deserve you at your best
  9. Hoes before bros is a pretty good saying to live by
  10. People can be really cruel

  1. Being “perfect” wont make him love you
  2. It’s lonely at the top
  3. He’ll probably always be one of my best friends
  4. It’s time to make sure everything I do, is done with purpose
  5. True love really does mean wanting the best for someone, even if its not you
  6. I am beautiful, not because of how I look, but who I am
  7. Offers from fancy universities are better than chocolate, and that’s saying a lot
  8. Proving them wrong feels as good as I thought it would
  9. Just because I don’t talk to them everyday, doesn’t mean we aren’t friends
  10. The best opportunities come from loose ties, not your inner circle (generally)

  1. I am worth loving
  2. Intelligent yet light hearted conversations are not overrated
  3. The worst thing you can do is settle
  4. There is more to life than fancy schools and working
  5. The more special something is, the harder it is to let it go
  6. Failure doesn’t mean the end of the world
  7. Feeling everything is a blessing
  8. Keeping yourself busy wont distract from the pain forever
  9. Friends come and go, it’s not your fault
  10. Just because you love someone, doesn’t mean they love you back


  1. He never actually expected me to be this successful
  2. If you cant be with the one you love, being with the one you’re with? Bad.
  3. Fate and destiny can be overrated, but hard work is a classic
  4. I am so blessed to have the family I do. Good or bad, we are so close.
  5. Make sure you like yourself
  6. Journaling is always the answer
  7. You can’t fix everything and everyone
  8. Love doesn’t actually mean what the Rom-Coms would have you believe
  9. If it was true, a little part of you will always love that person, and that’s okay
  10. That guy you’ve had a crush on for years? He loves you


  1. People love in many different ways, just because it’s not the same as yours, doesn’t mean it isn’t there
  2. Never give up on something you’re truly passionate about
  3. If someone cares for you WAY more than you care for them, let them go, they’ll thank you some day (hopefully)
  4. You will be old one day, don’t leave room for regrets
  5. Life is too short to be underappreciated
  6. Having standards doesn’t make you a b***h
  7. The deepest love is hardest to express, only those in it understand
  8. Acting like a three year old sometimes? Completely underrated
  9. The idea of falling in love again can be exciting
  10.  Risks are what make life exciting, dont let them scare you
  11. BONUS: Life is beautiful, don’t ever forget that


It hasn’t been easy, and it definitely hasn’t been painless… actually, I mainly remember the pain and heartache of it all, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Though it was the most painful year, it was also the most rewarding, and I’m pretty excited to start 2015 with less of the pain and more of the rewards that come with such a year of growth.

Thanks for reading!  What did you learn from 2014? Let me know, I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

Much love,

Lucy Loves Life…and new beginnings xx

No, I Haven’t Fallen Off the Planet

I am just unbelievably busy. School, blog, friends, more than friend, honors program, religious activities, annnnd now work (which I am super grateful for, thanks dad). As it turns out, something has to compromise, and because my hard drive decided to explode, it has been this blog and you lovely readers.

Studying while waiting for coffee, because “busy” is an understatement

However, to keep you guys updated and in the know with what is going on with my life, I will be sharing little tidbits about my adventures at the moment.

Brace yourselves people, many photos, and little updates will be coming your way and when life calms down a bit I will make sure to fill you guys in on all I have learned and experienced, and trust me… its going to get lengthy.

I hope you guys enjoy this temporary shift, I know I am looking forward to it!

I do have to mention that even though I haven’t been able to blog as much, the consistent emailing, commenting, and sharing has been absolutely incredible, and I really cannot thank you all enough.

Much Love,

Lucy Loves Life xx


P.S. I will be finishing the grateful challenge before I make the temporary switch

Crazy Week, Happy Girl

Well guys, school has started, and life is officially back to the hectic, stressful, and super exciting state otherwise known as the beginning of the semester. If school weren’t enough I had a random date that went a bit wonky, a massive realization, a few butterflies in my tummy, and spark of motivation I so desperately needed. With all of this excitement and stress, I haven’t had very much time to write my usual Lucy-esque post. However I have decided, that today I will just do a little break down of what has been going on this week in a very scatter brained but effective manner.



First on the list of crazy, is school!

The semester has officially begun, and I can’t be more excited! This semester is a big one, as a matter of fact, by the end of it, I will be done with my applications to the UK universities of my choice (scary right?!). In that time I have to retake my SATs including three subject test, CLEP out of biology, and manage my current work load, along with my newly found honors work load. To say I am busy…well, that is an understatement. I can’t help but be excited though. It is the time I have been waiting for since I first decided studying abroad was what I wanted to do!


Getting my mojo back!

I’m feeling good. I’ve started to put effort into who I am again. I care about myself  for me, not other people, and I think that’s a wonderful way to live. I’ve got a long, beautiful life to live, and there is no point in ruining it because it doesn’t look exactly as I planned it would. I’ve been dressing  up, getting pretty, watching what I eat, and just really caring about Lucy, for Lucy. It’s great.

Thinking leads to smiles…. This weeks realizations:

  • Dating is scary
  • Dating makes me slightly uncomfortable
  • I believe in soul mates
  • I am capable of anything
  • School is my happy place
  • I am sort of an enigma (not in a bad way)
  • Life is too short to take anything to seriously
  • I’m finally smart on paper
  • Colin didn’t hate me

This randomness needs to come to an end

Well…this post was random, scattered brained, and slightly nonsensical post, but to be honest, those three words also explain this week!

However, when life slows down this weekend I will sharing a pretty cool vlog all about  my pretty head scarves, a blog about what I do to maintain my success in school, and maybe even a little splash of traveling adventures! What do you want to see first? Let me know!

Much love,

Lucy Loves Life so much she can barely type a sentence xx


50 Things That Make Me Happy


So, yesterday was a bit of a doozy for me. It started off pretty terribly, and unfortunately, I never really bounced back. Having a bad day really bothers me because normally I can just get over it, but not yesterday. Yesterday my sad face was on for the whole day, and I kind of feel like it is sneaking in to today.

However, today is not going to be a sad blog. As a matter of fact, in attempt to cheer myself up, I am going to make a massive list of things that make me happy…Prepare yourself…

  • Getting dressed up
  • The mini freak out my dog has when I get home
  • Frankie Valli songs
  • Traveling (mega bonus points if it’s international)
  • “I love you”
  • Coffee scrubs
  • An intelligent conversation
  • A tiny pinch of flirting
  • School
  • A killer pair of heels
  • When my mom makes me breakfast
  • A good mani/pedi
  • When I get to have a “kid” moment
  • Feeling beautiful
  • Bubble baths that last long enough for me to have a glass of wine
  • Nurturing someone that I love
  • Flower bouquets. They make me feel loved, not sure why.
  • Cheat days
  • Those random nights my dog sleeps in my bed
  • The idea of going to school in England
  • An entire pack of gum
  • An amazing workout (with a friend, I hate working out alone)
  • Pinteresting future events
  • Beating writer’s block
  • English accents
  • Shopping with my mom
  • A good blog day
  • Singing when I know no one is listening (there is no pressure)
  • Butterflies in my stomach
  • Ice cream and chocolate
  • Beauty blogs/vlogs
  • Doing anything with someone that I love (including sky diving lol)
  • A genuine compliment
  • A day off after a long week
  • A kiss on the cheek or forehead
  • Outdoor activities (yes, really)
  • Preferably scenic cycling and kayaking
  • Sushi
  • A hug from someone I haven’t seen in a while
  • Small, kind gestures
  • A good laugh with my family.
  • Afternoon tea
  • A legit Facebook notification
  • Small steps towards big goals
  • Being with people that I can really be myself around
  • Psychology stuff
  • Baby smiles
  • Green tea
  • Answered prayers
  • Happily Ever Afters
I had to cut her face out, or she'd kill me
I had to cut her face out, or she’d kill me

There you have it, my list of 50 things that make me happy. So if you have an interest in turning my frown upside down today, feel free to send me flowers, chocolate, and a smiling baby.

What makes you happy? What can turn your day around? Do we have anything in common? Let me know!